Gaudium et Spes as the fundamental source of our commitment in Europe Societies (p.14) Geert Van Dartel
Spirituality and socio- political commitment- Catholics in a globalised context (p. 22) Luca Diotallevi
How we present the spiritual roots of our commitment to the European Societies (p. 36) Magnus Nyman
Spirituality and Solidarity (p. 41) Paul Michael Zulehner
How to promote spiritual and ethical values in the societies of the new member states of the European Union (p. 43) Roza Thun
How we envision the realization of ethical values in the societies of the old member states of the European Union (p. 45) Gergely Rosta
Christian involvement in political responsability- Experience in a small town (p. 48) Françoise Ramond
Christian involvement in political responsability- Being Christian in a regional government in Germany (p. 51) Heinz- Wilhelm Brockmann
The influence of Christian values in shaping the European Charter and the European Constitution- My experience as a member of the European Convention (p. 54) Ernâni Rodrigues Lopes