Katholischer Laienrat Österreichs (KLRÖ)
Interdiocesaan Pastoraal Beraad (IPB)
Conseil Interdiocésain des Laïcs (CIL)
Pro Christo – Publishing house of the Archdiocese of Minsk and Mogiljow
Zentralkomitee der deutschen Katholiken (ZdK)
Foro de Laicos
National Council of Lay Associations
Consulta Nazionale delle Aggregazioni Laicali (CNAL)
Subgroup on Lay People in Commission for Pastoral Renewal and Adult Faith Development
Asociatia Generala a Romanilor Uniti Greco-Catholici (AGRU)
Krajowa Rada Katolików Świeckich (KRKŚ)
Polish Pastoral Council for Western Europe
Fórum kresanských inštitúcií Associated Member
Rada pre laicke a apostolske hnutia
Pastoralrådet i Stockholms Katolska Stift
France Conférence catholique des baptisé-e-s francophones
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